Throughout the Resilience Decade

CRC is Supporting

State & Local Climate Resilience

State Government Leadership

Playbooks and Guidance

We produce and publish guidance for states across the US. This includes national level reports on how state governors can implement resilience and how states can support local government and community resilience.

We work on all aspects of resilience with states, including developing wildfire risk mitigation approaches through traditional and alternative financial solutions in a Western state and determining new opportunities for coastal restoration and protection in Louisiana

Coaching and Advising

Climate Resilience Consulting provides expert coaching and advising to state emergency managers and housing professionals through the Pre-Disaster Housing Initiative, funded by FEMA and HUD with Enterprise Community Partners.

We also support states in integrating climate resilience into policy and planning, including through the U.S. Climate Alliance Climate Resilience Measurement Work Group, Governor’s Resilience Playbook, and Climate Land Use Advisory Group, helping governments track resilience, address climate risks, and align land-use strategies with sustainability and growth goals.

Expert Consultation

Climate Resilience Consulting provides strategic guidance on climate resilience and adaptation, including transportation planning and community relocation with WSP for the National Academy of Sciences Transportation Research Board.

Through the State Resilience Partnership, we support local flood mitigation through technical assistance to municipal governments, drawing on examples from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Virginia. Our expertise helps governments and communities navigate complex resilience challenges with data-driven solutions and actionable strategies.

Local Government Leadership

Catalyzing Partnerships

We strengthen community resilience by fostering cross-sector collaboration. We supported rural municipalities in Indiana, Wisconsin, and Minnesota through the Great Lakes Nearshore Engineering and Design Initiative and advanced Community Stormwater Management and Net Zero Planning with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning with Jacobs, and Brown and Caldwell.

Under USEPA’s Disaster Resilient Communities Agreement, we supported local government in cities including Buffalo, NY, Grand Rapids, MI, and Aiken, GA. We also provide direct technical assistance to local governments, including in Gary, IN, College Station, TX, Broward County, FL, and Youngstown, OH.


We deliver practical solutions to help communities build resilience. We developed the Ready-to-Fund Resilience Toolkit, a technical guide and training resource within the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit’s Steps to Resilience framework, funded by NOAA and the Climate Resilience Fund with the American Society of Adaptation Professionals.

Through EPA’s Community Change Equitable Resilience Technical Assistance, we provided hands-on support to 26 communities nationwide, helping them mitigate risks like extreme heat and flooding while strengthening economic and social stability.

Demystifying Solutions

We equip communities, policymakers, and investors with the knowledge to turn climate challenges into opportunities. This includes developing tailored messaging and communication strategies to support local government and organizations educate residents on climate hazards and how they can prepare their homes and businesses physically and financially for impacts.

Our Blueprint for Coastal Adaptation – Adapt | Prepare | Retreat provides a bold roadmap for coastal resilience, using Miami Beach, FL, and Buras, LA as case studies to illustrate innovative solutions for adapting to rising risks while fostering economic and social vitality.

CRC creates funding and implementation partnerships, writes reports, facilitates groups and designs policies and spaces for state and local government leaders focused on health, affordable housing, financial security, economic development and infrastructure.