Infrastructure & Managed Retreat
CRC is working with WSP as the communications lead for Managed Retreat to Address Extreme Weather, Natural Hazards, and Climate Impacts for the Transportation Research Board’s National Highway Cooperative Research Board within the National Academy of Science. This vanguard work develop a Practitioner’s Guide that aids transportation officials in equitable decision-making, planning, and implementation of managed retreat strategies for transportation infrastructure and communities. (Image: Dalle AI generated)
State Land Use Planning
CRC is working with the US Climate Alliance and their partner Smart Growth America on a Climate and Land Use Planning Guide that helps states understand how they can use and manage lands in ways that support meeting cross-sectoral climate goals. At Governors’ requests, the Guide includes suggestions for planned relocation tools, programs, and policies for states to support high-risk communities. (Image American Planning Association: Climate Migrants are on the Move)
Community Change
Through our work with community based organizations, primarily funded through EPA’s disaster resilient community and community revitalization blanket purchase agreements, we worked with communities who have residents ready to move out of harms way to consider partnership opportunities, order of operations and future land use. We are now working with national philanthropy to fund land use policy changes that prevent development in high-risk zones, protect land that provides resilience and mitigation benefits, and support proactive relocation. (Image: Climate Resilience Consulting)
Image credit: Samuel M Beebe, Ecotrust